The beginning of February, we found out we are expecting Wadholm #4, and ever since then, Jenn has had terrible pregnant brain (or as a dear friend has referred to it--placenta brain). At first it was the morning sickness and the extreme tiredness, but then it was the forgetfulness. And Rick has been busy, busy, busy finishing up this semester's classes. His brain has been too full of "smart" things to do any blogging (not as smart thing). However, maybe things will pick up a little here now as Rick is done for the semester and Jenn has moved into the more energetic 2nd trimester (sorry, that doesn't helped with the forgetfulness, though).
We just got back from our District council and had a wonderful time. We love to be able to catch up with old friends (not that our friends are old...heehee), and also to see family in the cities. Jenn sat through some meetings, but then played hooky to shop with a friend (hello!! We were in the cities!!!).
We had fun getting to see Racinda, Rick Sr., and Beau for supper. Clark and Racinda bought a house and some of the family was/is up to help with a few renovations. We didn't have time to go see the house, so we're hoping they send some pictures soon (hint, hint). We missed out on seeing Clark though, as he was having so much fun redoing the kitchen floor, he didn't join us. The best part was getting to talk pregnancy things with Racinda as we are only 1 week aparat. She is looking so cute!! Here is a picture of us showing our baby bellies.

Not to be outdone, Rick and Ron had to pose with their "baby" bellies, too! LOL!!