Thursday, November 04, 2010

My Favorite Blogs

I just thought I'd take a moment to share some of my favorite blogs.  I read quite a few (some have quit blogging of late that I still follow...which is just as well, because it gives me less to follow) every day and just thought I'd pass my top six reads on to anyone here they are (in no particular order):

Euangelion by Mike Bird (and occassionally Joel Willitts) -- Mike offers lots of insight into Reformational theology and has authored a number of helpful books on theology over the last several years.

SAET (The Society for the Advancement of Ecclesial Theology) headed by Gerald Hiestand, but with a whole line-up of fellow bloggers.  Theology, now more than ever, needs to be from, for and within the Church...rather than simply the Academy.  Who wouldn't be excited about "Ecclesial Theology" I right...or am I right???

Sunestauromai: Living the Crucified Life by Brian Fulthorp a fellow A/G pastor and missionary is a wonderful blog that deals with theological, ecclesiological and pastoral issues (among other things).  Plus, Brian's just fun to follow!

Cafe of the Book by Joel Banman offers thoughtful reflections on the work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer (need I say more :-) )...and promises a whole litany of posts in this vein as he works on a thesis in regard to Bonhoeffer's "Ethics".

Ancient Hebrew Poetry by John Hobbins is one of the finest blogs I've ever read on Old Testament literature.  He offers reflections on the Hebrew Bible that are second to none...if only he could find more time to return to blogging at the pace he once was at (but alas pastoring has taken him from us for now...Lord willing only for a time).

And I would be remiss to not mention the latest blog that I'm truly enjoying reading (is it nepotism or just narcissistic navel-gazing?) at I Heart Barth with my fellow theologues and bloggers Joel Banman, Marc Vandersluys and Jeff Wheeldon where we are already well on our way discussing theologians and their respective contributions to theology.

So happy blog-reading to anyone who happens to follow up on any of my recommendations...or not.


  1. And now I want to hear Jenn's favorite blogs. Also, for some reason I can't stop hearing "These are a few of my favorite blogs" sung to Julie Andrews' "These are a few of my favorite things." :)

  2. Thanks alot for getting that tune stuck in my head Kristi :-p. I think your blog may be about the only one she follows (but I could be I suppose yours would win that award :-).


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